Providing a Second Chance Through Restored Credit

Our Debt Settlement Program is actually quite simple.

We negotiate your settlements for you. Your current level of unsecured debt will be skillfully negotiated for you, and essentially you will end up paying a fraction of the debt. Generally, we reduce your debt by 40-60% of the current total.


Low, affordable monthly payments. We will set you up with an affordable monthly payment, which is determined on a client-by-client basis between you and a counselor at Synergy Credit Solutions. Based upon what you are able to pay each month into your settlement account, we can determine how many months you will be part of the program, and ultimately be debt free. Throughout the program, we communicate with your creditors, on your behalf. We assist you when dealing with aggressive, confrontational and abusive creditors or collectors.


Settling of Your Debt. Once you have retained our services, Synergy Credit Solutions will commence the Service. Synergy will advise Client of all good faith offers made by creditors and debt collectors, and of their acceptance of any offers made by Synergy. Synergy Credit Solutions will not settle any account without any approval of Client, who has absolute discretion to accept or reject any settlement offer. We can only settle a debt once the full funds are available in Clients settlement account.


Once paid, that debt is gone forever. At that point, the creditor has accepted the payment in full, and you are free of that debt forever. Synergy Credit Solutions will diligently continue to work on negotiating all of your debts, until you are finally free from the once overwhelming debt that you started our program with.


We work only for our clients, not for the benefit of the creditors. Becoming debt free is the first step to becoming financially secure, and debt settlement may be your best option.


Be Debt Free.  Synergy's Negotiation process has been tested and developed over years of experience by our team of professionals in the field of finance and credit card debt. Our professionals are highly skilled in each of their fields of expertise.


Through the established relationships that we have with the creditors and financial institutions, we are able to successfully negotiate the debts of our clients at a substantial discount. Creditors are willing to negotiate a debt with Synergy, on behalf of our clients, with the understanding that the settled amount will be paid in a timely manner.


Furthermore, creditors are always looking to avoid the ineffective and costly efforts of an outside collection company. Synergy continues to develop our relationships with creditors throughout the country, and we always maintain a very professional and cooperative relationship with the creditors in order to reach the most favorable settlement offer for our clients. We work directly, and 100% for you.


Debt Settlement is a legitimate way of solving your problem without the need for bankruptcy. Our representatives work each case individually to determine your eligibility and then, if you qualify, they will establish a program that allows repayment of the debt through affordable monthly payments while ultimately saving your credit. This approach reduces your debt vs.consolidation options. Our approach assists you by reducing the time to repay the debt and by lowering the total amount you owe.


For more information please call 321-549-7077. There is no cost or obligation.


Program Requirements You must have over $7,500 in unsecured debt to participate in our program.